Saturday, August 27, 2011

A post

I'm going back to Uni for my final semester (4 months ++) in two weeks time.
Time flies. I have not done much for these few months.

I worked twice during the holidays. 3 days administrative assistant and 21 days rice promoter.

I went to Kota Kinabalu and Labuan for a short trip. I went to Betong twice for my ikan buntal--my final year project.

I transcript my interviews until I feel horrible. Keep repeating listening own voice can be torturing yet funny.

I have outings with friends. Meals, celebration, chit-chatting.

I shop, I eat, I spend, I think, I learn, I talk.

I spend much time my my little niece, Queenie. I feed her. I play with her. I change cloths for her, and I do scold her and mumble about her. I see her growing. It's pretty amazing. (I'm a not bad baby sitter LOL)

I read blogs, watch videos and study elsewhere.

I hate to start my 5 chapters of my final year project. It reminds me of the infinity work. Read, write, read write. 

Yet, I'll be back to the hustle and bustle world real soon. Assignments, discussions, presentation and human conflicts. I'm scared to face it but good thing is it would eventually come to me no matter how I hate it.

For the coming schooling session, I have a few resolutions:

I wish to

-spend less time face-book-ing (I think only lazy and nothing to do people fb all the time, which I'm the one currently)

-spend less time watching HK dramas in hostel (I happen to be huge dramas fan when I'm back to Uni hostel, sob, cause it's the cheapest and easiest entertainment among all)

-spend more time with ikan buntal and words

-broaden my mind ( Don't get hurt with certain people actions and words, learn to keep my mouth shut and see nothing)

-give myself more opportunities (I have given up many grown-up chances in the past. I wish I could overcome my cowardliness and give myself more courage. Why not consider internship elsewhere?)

-less miss home ( It would be pretty pretty hard but I'm learning. 3 years has passed and I believe I could do it for the rest)

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得不到的东西, 我们会一直认为他是美好的, 那是因为你对他了解太少, 没有时间与他相处在一起. 当有一天,你深入了解后,你会发现原不是你想象中的美好.